The blog entry below was written while our organization was operating as ASA-Midwest. Effective September 14, 2018, ASA-Midwest became the Midwest Auto Care Alliance.”

This message is being written December 28, 2017, so I should be spewing platitudes about all of the things the New Year will bring. Whatever it brings, we’ll just have to deal with it if we want to stay in business, so I have a challenge for you. In addition to learning new procedures, buying new equipment, trying new marketing ideas, and everything else we do to stay in business, I implore you to write down a goal for 2018 that directly gives back to our automotive repair industry. Don’t know what to do? Join an ASA–Midwest committee; write an article for The Driving Force e-newsletter; volunteer at VISION; attend and give input at a government meeting concerning our industry (a good example is the vehicle license safety inspection meetings held last year). Here are a few more: attend ASA chapter meetings regularly and invite a fellow shop owner that is not a member. Is there something you are really good at that you would share with other automotive people? (A great example is my friend Jeff Bly: a great technician, willing to help nearly everyone. Hosted many training meetings when he was an ASA officer, and after he went to work as a full-time trainer for NAPA, he still trains at ASA-Midwest chapter meetings and at VISION. Jeff is the picture of an industry standout). Maybe you would be willing to serve on an advisory board at a local trade school? Johnson County Community College, Longview Community College, and Kansas City, Kansas Community College, and Fort Osage Career & Technology Center are four that I am aware of.

When I was first elected ASA-Midwest president, I set two goals in addition to performing normal day-to-day association duties. Those goals were (1) to help increase and retain membership and (2) to grow the Technicians of Tomorrow Educational Foundation so it can support scholarships and other critical issues into the future. The improvements made during my first term did not satisfy me, so I asked to serve another term. Now I’m asking you to get more involved in whatever way you can.

May your 2018 be all that it can be. Please find at least one way to give back to our industry.  Happy New Year!


President of MWACA (formerly ASA-Midwest)
Owner of S&S Service Center