The blog entry below was written while our organization was operating as ASA-Midwest. Effective September 14, 2018, ASA-Midwest became the Midwest Auto Care Alliance.
I returned from the ASA Annual Meeting a week ago, and this is the first chance I have had to write about it. Traveling with me were Tim Davison and Sheri Hamilton. This meeting in recent years has been mostly a board of directors and affiliate business meeting, but this year they brought in four top management trainers to entice more members to attend. Also on the agenda were open and closed board meetings, affiliate meetings, an AMi cap & gown graduation ceremony, several evening receptions, and a reserved patio on the lake at Epcot with cocktails and dessert while watching the IllumiNations fireworks display.
The highlight of my trip was seeing old friends and making new ones. Clark and Nannette Griffin from Fort Madison, Iowa greeted me as I was checking in to the hotel, and we spent considerable time together over the course of the convention. I’d like to give a special tip of the hat to both of them, as they both participated in the graduation ceremony, receiving their AMAM designations. Thank you both for reminding me what great people this profession is composed of.
It was good getting to know Tim a little better, while at the same time showing him a little about how ASA National functions.
Another highlight was Sheri hitting the trifecta when it comes to accolades. First, she was asked to continue as AMi board Chairperson for another year. She also graduated with her AMAM (and never told Tim or me that she was graduating prior to the ceremony). And finally, during the awards ceremony, she received the AMi President’s Award, which I understand, is the highest honor you can earn with AMi. Congratulations, Sheri!
Finally, as the leader of a member-driven association, I had asked the ASA National board for a meeting to discuss what our ASA-Midwest executive board sees as a decrease in membership value in exchange for the National dues. We met and had a spirited discussion, and I will keep my eyes open and see how everything in Texas progresses. We’re watching out for your interests.
President of MWACA
Owner of S&S Service Center