How did you get started in the business? At a young age, I was always taking things apart. My grandfather was a mechanic and when he would visit I would help him tinker with Dad’s car. I was always taking something apart and putting it back together. I guess you could say I was born with a wrench in my hand.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? Having a partnership early on in my business that went totally sour. Partnerships rarely work and I was told that, but I was determined to make mine work and prove them wrong. In the end, it cost me a life-long friendship with 3 people, cost me thousands of dollars, and almost closed my business.

What has been your most important achievement personally?  My greatest achievement and possibly greatest honor was when I was asked to serve on the NAPA Auto Care advisory board. I was blown away by this, and to this day, consider it my greatest achievement.

What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people don’t know? I took several years of training for acting. It’s to’s of fun ad I really enjoyed it. I played the part of Jesus for many years in Easter productions. I would love to get back into it at some point but would probably have to play the part of a grandpa now (haha).

What is your favorite quote or best piece of advice you have ever received?   Two things come to mind immediately.  1) When it comes to partnerships, you need to begin with the end in mind. Sound advice that was given to me after my partnership collapse. I have passed this on to many since.  2) “Your greatest contribution may likely come out of your greatest hurt.” I have this quote on my computer screen at work.Quality Service Center

How did you get started in the business? At a young age, I was always taking things apart. My grandfather was a mechanic and when he would visit I would help him tinker with Dad’s car. I was always taking something apart and putting it back together. I guess you could say I was born with a wrench in my hand.

If you could choose only one descriptive word to be remembered as, what would it be? Caring. I would hope it would be caring. I truly care about each employee, each family member, and each client. I don’t think many people know the depth of this in me.

What local nonprofit organizations are you passionate about?  I was part of the board of an organization called “Bridge of Hope”. Their mission was to help homeless moms and their kids get off the streets and make a good life for them by teaching them to budget, interview for jobs, and raise their kids. I am still involved in helping with their transportation needs. I am also involved in a group called “Human Life Services”. While abortion is a controversial subject, my belief is that human life begins at conception. The organization obviously works to help moms and provide alternatives to abortions.

mustangWhat is your favorite car you have owned? I still have it! My 1968 Ford Mustang.

What is the best business book you have read and how has it helped you? Profit First. I had always been one to live debt-free at home, but never considered it when it came to the business. As an owner, I always wanted to make sure all bills were paid and didn’t worry about saving for a rainy day or even taking care of myself first. Profit First helped me establish accounts to tell my money where to go and to be in charge of where it went.

What is your favorite drink? There is a soda available, mainly in Kentucky, called Ale 8. Delicious! A smooth bourbon also. 🙂