Iowa Legislative Report 9.23.24

Legislative Report

Ron Reiling, MWACA Lobbyist/St. Louis Liaison

House File 2015, Special Landowner Deer Hunting licenses. Upon written application on forms furnished by the department, the department shall issue annually without fee two deer hunting licenses, one antlered or any sex deer hunting license and one antlerless deer only deer hunting license, to the owner of a farm unit or a member of the owner’s family, but only a total of two licenses for both, and to the tenant of a farm unit or a member of the tenants family, but only a total of two licenses for both. The deer hunting licenses issued shall be valid only for use on the farm unit for which the applicant applies pursuant to this paragraph.

House File 2185, Personal Information of the Previous Owner of a Motor Vehicle. The county treasurer or the department shall maintain in the county or department records system the information contained on the certificate of title and the name and address of the previous owner. The information must be accessible by title certificate number for a period of three years from the date of notification of cancellation of title or date that a new title has been issued as provided in this chapter.

House File 2707, Transactions Involving Used Catalytic Converters. e 2024, are amended to read as follows: b. For a business transaction in which the person selling the catalytic converter operates a business at a fixed location in this state, the person shall provide to the purchaser a copy of the person’s valid sales tax permit issued pursuant to chapter 423 or a copy of the person’s valid business license or permit. c. For transactions other than business transactions, the person selling the catalytic converter shall provide to the purchaser an original receipt or invoice for a replacement catalytic converter purchased fewer than thirty days before the person sells the replaced catalytic converter, a signed affidavit attesting to the seller’s valid ownership of the House File 2707, p. 2 catalytic converter, or a junking certificate for a vehicle that was issued fewer than thirty days before the person sells the catalytic converter.

Senate File 2362, Residential and Motor Vehicle Service Contracts and licenses. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: Section 1. Section 523C.4, subsection 2, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: 2. An application for renewal shall include the information required for an initial license as described in section 523C.3, subsection 1, paragraphs -a- through -e- , and, if applicable, a list of each service contract form the service company continues to use and issue in the state, including the service contract form name, number, and the date the form was last revised. Sec. 2. Section 523C.4, subsection 3, paragraph c, Code 2024, is amended to read as follows: c. If applicable, a fee in the amount of thirty-five dollars for each new motor vehicle service contract form 3ubmittcd with the renewal application pursuant to subsection 2, and a3 provided in section 523C.3, subsection 1, paragraph “f filed with the commissioner since the license was last issued, and for each motor vehicle service contract form the service company continues to use and issue in the state. Sec. 3. Section 523C.7, subsection 1, Code 2024, is amended by adding the following new paragraph: NEW PARAGRAPH. d. Files the service contract form with the commissioner. A service company shall notify the commissioner Senate File 2362, p. 2 of any material changes to a service contract form that has been filed prior to using the service contract in this state. Sec. 4. Section 523C.7, subsection 2, paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended by adding the following new subparagraph: NEW SUBPARAGRAPH. (3) A service company shall accept cancellations of a service contract from a contract holder pursuant to subparagraph ( 1) by telephone, electronic mail, mail, or any other cost-effective and accessible method of communication.

Transmittal of SJR 2004 Relating to Single Rate Individual Income Taxes. The Resolution deals with a proposed amendment to Iowa’s Constitution relating to single rate individual income taxes. The Iowa General Assembly will initiate the required publication process as outlined in Article X, section 1 of Iowa’s Constitution and Iowa Code chapter 49A. Pursuant to Joint Senate/House Rule 21(2), this specific type of “joint resolution” does not require consideration and signature by the Governor.