With this new partnership, AutoZone will provide MWACA members with several discounts and programs specifically designed to help build and grow their business. Participating MWACA members will receive National Account pricing from AutoZone on parts and accessories for light, medium, and heavy-duty cars and trucks. In addition to the discount, MWACA members can expect real time pricing and, where available, priority delivery service, along with access to AutoZone’s loaner tool program and a Shop Referral Program where customers can locate MWACA members for vehicle service. AutoZone will also provide customized inventory management solutions and additional rebate programs to help MWACA members improve their overall efficiency and profitability, including access to AutoZone’s commercial website: www.autozonepro.com.
MWACA Members have access to a tiered rebate program based on total quarterly sales.
Customers will have to be a member of MWACA and have a member number to be put on the program. Customer potential and AWS is dependent on members location.
MWACA Members, see the flyer below for more information on the AutoZone promotions.
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